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Do Butterfly Labs ASIC miners pay for themselves?

I have finally received my ASIC Bitcoin mining rig from Butterfly labs and the biggest question on my mind was, will this little box pay for itself? Of course when I purchased the unit it would have easily paid for itself in a matter of days but now with difficulty …

Easy Ways to Earn Free Bitcoins

There are many websites out there that claim to pay you in Bitcoins for completing tasks and/or just submitting your wallet address but which ones actually work? Well I have taken the time to try a few of them and will be posting the ones that I know to payout, …

Coinbase Buys and sells are currently paused.

I have been using Coinbase for a while now as my online Bitcoin wallet and have been pretty happy with the buying experience although selling is a different story. Many of us are getting the “Buys and sells are currently paused. Please try again in a few minutes.”  with the …

How to Setup and Optimize your CGMiner Config File

Anyone who starts out mining Bitcoins for the first time generally stays away from cgminer because it takes a little bit of over clocking knowledge if you want to get the best Mhash/s from your GPU or GPU’s. This being said its not that difficult to get it running and …